The amount of energy consumed in food or drinks is measured in calories.What are calories and what are they eaten with?If we consume more calories with food and drinks than we consume, their residue accumulates in the body in the form of fat. If this process continues for a long time, sooner or later, it will end in obesity.As a guideline: to maintain a stable weight, each man should receive approximately 2,500 kcal (10,500 KJ) per day. Women need about 2,000 kcal (8,400 KJ) a day to avoid a lack of strength and at the same time not to gain weight. You can check your normal weight using the formula or table on the page.Calories and energy balance In order to maintain the normal functioning of the body and guarantee the stable functioning of internal organs and systems, our bodies need a constant flow of energy. We get this energy when we eat and drink, along with nutrients. Our body releases energy from nutrients, delivering it to every cell of the body, which gives us the opportunity to breathe, think, run and work.In the event that the energy we put into our bodies is equal to the energy we expend during the day, our weight remains within normal limits. In all other variants, we will gain or lose weight. That's why it's important to always keep a balance between nutrition and physical activity.Experts advise to measure your weight at least twice a week, at the same time. This way you will quickly identify any fluctuations in body weight and immediately be able to start making adjustments to nutrition and physical activity.Checking calories in food Knowing the caloric content of certain foods can help you better control your energy intake. The calorie content of many products purchased in the store is indicated on the packaging, it's enough just not to be lazy to read them. The amount of energy is usually indicated in kilocalories (kcal) or in kilojoules (kJ). The prefix "kilo" indicates thousands. That is, there are a thousand calories in one kilocalory, a thousand joules in one kilojoule. A kilojoule is a metric measurement of calories. To convert calories into joules, you need to multiply their number by 4.2 (1kcal=4.2kJ) and vice versa, in order to get kilocalories from kilojoules, you need to divide their number by 4.2. For simplicity of counting in your mind, you can multiply and divide by 4. The labels can indicate the total calorie content or how many calories are contained in 100 grams of the product. In the case of liquids, the calorie content in 100 milliliters of the drink is given. For the sake of interest, you can calculate the average calorie content in your food, but often calories are counted only when following low-calorie diets. If you constantly count how much you eat, you can go crazy.Burning calories All the calories we consume are either burned by our body or stored as fat. Since everyone's metabolism is not the same, the energy metabolism of different people is also different. When doing the same job, someone spends more energy, someone less. Nevertheless, despite the individual characteristics of metabolism, the mechanism of accumulation and expenditure of energy is the same for everyone. This means that you can only regulate your weight in two ways: the amount of calories consumed and physical activity. Any other methods, such as liposuction or ultrasound, are more cosmetic than natural, and therefore sooner or later after these procedures, the weight returns.The best way to adjust weight is to combine a diet with physical activity. The higher the physical activity, the more calories are burned. But this is not enough. In order for your weight to decrease, you need not only to exercise, but also to limit yourself in the amount of calories consumed. Não há oportunidade de fazer uma aposta enquanto o jogo está sendo jogado, portanto os jogadores devem esperar até o início de cada rodada para fazer sua aposta Aviator . O "Aviator" continuará a ganhar altitude, o que resultará em uma taxa cada vez maior. É essencial retirar os ganhos na primeira oportunidade! Isto pode ser feito a qualquer momento, antes que o avião ainda não tenha saído da zona visual, há chances de ganhar qualquer aposta neste jogo.
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Atualizado em: 09/03/2021